A sparkling polished concrete floor is a great addition to any business or home. Polished concrete floors are durable, low-maintenance, non-slippery, and aesthetically pleasing. The low cost and relatively low maintenance of polished concrete have catalyzed an increasing popularity to use them instead of wood or tile. A well maintained polished concrete floor can last […]
Different Levels of Finish for Concrete Floors
Concrete floors can bring the kind of elegance and solidity to your working space that you believe it needs. The maintenance of such a floor is just as important as its installation. Indeed, if you are not to let the investment in a concrete floor go to waste then the establishment of a planned maintenance […]
Can All Concrete Floors Be Polished?
Polishing concrete floors is possible; however, if you are looking to do it, it is a good idea to seek the right advice before starting. Under certain circumstances installing concrete floors can bring a great deal of color, elegance, and liveliness to a space. Much depends on the size, dimensions, and purposes of the room […]
Choosing the Right Floor Color
Polished concrete flooring is a very popular choice these days for businesses that understand the benefits of polished concrete. Beside all the maintenance and durability advantages, polished concrete floors have a versatile beauty. Preferred Concrete Polishing has a wide array of dye colors with which to install your new flooring. Your personal preference and style […]
How Polished Concrete Compares to Other Flooring Materials
Polished concrete is a very versatile flooring material. It’s unique enough to change the entire room or environment in which it’s used. There are many commercial, social, and personal applications for polished concrete. Just think of how nice the grocery store keeps its sparkling shine on its polished concrete floor every time you shop. […]